Friday, March 11, 2011

Drifting Along

Being injured has resulted in some bad habits.  I find myself not as invested in watching my calories and staying active.  In my head it's like "if I can't run, then I don't want to do ANYTHING..."  That's a bad bad mantra right there.  I did buy a weightlifting book for women and I am excited at the concept of lifting weights.  I've lifted in the past and find that I prefer it to cardio usually, but somehow this hasn't been enough to actually get me to use my gym membership.  I need to finish the book so I can begin the program.  I think it will be critical to breaking through my plateau.  Plus, I really just like the look that lifting weights gives to a body.  I just want to be nice and toned.

I am so glad it is Friday.  I feel like this week was far too busy and hectic for its own good, and I am ready for a weekend where I can just unwind.  I plan on trying to run a mile on my leg and see if it is healed up enough to get back into the running groove.  If not, I'll make an appointment with a PT straight away.  I'm just really hoping that I can get back up to my level of running soon.  I miss the big mileage runs!

What plans do you have for the weekend?


  1. You certainly need time to unwind. I hope you have a restful weekend and that your leg is healed.

    My weekend includes a possible 3 mile run/walk and reading Harry Potter.

  2. I am running a 5km race tomorrow just for fun. I think hubby and I might go see a movie (I'm drawn to that red riding hood movie)

  3. We all have the upchucks, so it's not been a week of activity for me. The weekend will be low-key as well. I hope you heal quickly!!!! It's so hard to lay low when you're revved up.

  4. Hoping your leg feels better, and you are having a great (and healthy) weekend!
