Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Diagnosis

IT Band Syndrome. Whomp whomp whomp.

4 weeks with absolutely no running.  I can't bike for at least 2 weeks.  Holy crap--what will I do with my time?  Guess it is time to bite the bullet and add weight training.

So--Ogden Half Marathon is definitely out, followed by potentially the Teton Dam 10k with my sister, and then Wasatch Back Relay.  My Physical Therapist said that I will need to start with adding one mile back on at a time, so I won't have my mileage anywhere near what it needs to be for those races.  Yikes.

Sad face.  Oh well, it is better that I do this now and get healthy then permanently screw up my knee!


  1. I'm sorry! I was in the same boat as you last September! Right after Hood to Coast I was diagnosed with it and told to stop running for 6 weeks. It ended up being 2 months, then I started to rehab back to running. I eventually got back to it but I got scared of re-injurying it.

    Swimming helped me. Weight lifting was a life saver. I grew to love it!

    Feel better!

  2. Oh man, that's a bummer :( Hope you heal quickly!!

  3. Hope your knee gets back in shape quickly!

  4. I feel your pain!! It's horrible to be helpless with injuries!!

  5. How sucky is that? But you are so smart to be good to your body and take care of it now :) The 4 weeks will seem interminable while you are in the middle of it and then like a passing breeze once they are over. Happy lifting!

  6. Well. A timely post. I did the same thing - kinda -
    to my shoulder. You have convinced me to do the right thing.
    And treat it now instead of damage it later!
    Thanks..... and get better- faster!

  7. Okay - Hey ladyface, so sorry I've missed your blog the past week. I went through your race recap (OMG!! SO PROUD OF YOU!!!) but reading about your IT band makes me SO SAD!! Jay had issues with IT and he SWEARS by his foam-roller. Have you ever heard of it? Also, lots of ice and lots of stretching. I'm SO SAD for you, but you WILL get better, I promise!!! Sending lots of love from Minnesota. XOXO.
